Youth Talk



The great were once like you
They whom you magnify today
Once groped and blundered on life’s way
Were fearful of themselves, and thought
By magic was men’s greatness wrought
Yet Fame did crown with her success
The selfsame gifts that you possess

The great were young like you
Dreaming the very dreams you hold
Longing yet fearing to be bold
Doubting that they themselves possessed
The strength and skill for every test
Uncertain of the truths they knew
Not sure they they could stand to fate
With all the courage of the great

Then came the day when they
Their first bold venture made
Spurning all offered aid
They dared to stand and fight alone
Took up the gauntlet at them thrown
Ran strongly to the fray
Mastered their fear of self and then
Learned that all great men are but men

So Youth go forth and try
You too to fame can rise
You can be strong and wise
Stand up to life and be a man
You can if you’ll but think you can
The great were once as you
Don’t envy them their grand success
They won with gifts that you possess

- Edgar Guest



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